

HypnoBirthing - The Mongan Method.

“My dream is that every woman, everywhere, will know the joy of a safe, satisfying birth for both her baby and herself—one she’ll not need to forget.”

Marie F. Mongan, 1999

A HypnoBirthing® mum, who has practiced relaxation and self-hypnosis, allows her uterus to work as nature intended - so bringing her baby into the world calmly and more easily.

Program Outline

A 5 session couples course (each 2 ½ hours long)  – with key roles for the birth partner throughout childbirth

Special relaxation and breathing techniques for a better birth

Simple but specific self-hypnosis

There is no physiological reason for pain during birthing if the mother relies on her NATURAL EXPULSIVE REFLEX and refrains from pushing the baby’s head against tissues and sphincters that are not ready to accept the baby.
